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S & R Skincare
Because Everybody deserves to be pampered...

Here are some of the differences between our bikini waxing procedures:

Regular Bikini:
This bikini waxing removes the hair on your bikini line only
Showgirl Bikini : 
Everything is waxed front to back, but a strip is left straight down the middle. 
This biking waxing is perfect for anyone not wanting it all gone
Brazilian Bikini : 
This bikini  waxing removes all the hair.
  Everything is waxed front to back. 
This bikini waxing starts from sides and going in and down, in small sections
Here are some waxing tips to make your waxing procedure easier!
  • Take ibuprofen at least 20 minutes beforehand if allowed by your doctor, to help dull your pain receptors
  • Limit your caffeine intake on the day of your waxing as it can stimulate the nervous system
  • For our female clients, try to schedule your appointment within the first two weeks after your cycle has ended
  • To get the best results, we need your hair to be at least one-fourth of an inch long. This is an average of 1-2 weeks of growth.
    Some products that are contraindicated for waxing are:
  • Accutane, Retin-A, Glycolic Acid, Alpha hydroxy Acid, Tazorac, Pro Active, Renova, Avage, Strivectin, Differin
To get the best results, we need your hair to be at least one-fourth of an inch long. This is an average of 1-2 weeks of growth. 
If you do not wax your hair at all, please trim hair to about quarter of an inch length. The longer the hair is, the greater the chance of unnecessary pain,.
Do not apply self tanner, moisturizer, and Do not go to the tanning booth or suna prior to your waxing services.



Start exfoliating as soon as it is comfortable to do so or when tenderness subsides. To prevent  ingrown hairs you  may simply use a warm, damp washcloth or exfoliating gloves with the use of some exfoilating products that contains salicylic acid or glycolic.